Those looking to forge a career in the care sector in Wales will be able to study for new health and social care, early years and childcare qualifications from today.

The qualifications, designed to strengthen the care profession for the future, will provide a recognised and consistent standard, as well as a clear pathway for those wanting to progress in their careers.

The qualifications were developed in partnership by Qualifications Wales, Health Education and Improvement Wales, and us, and will be delivered by a consortium made up of the Welsh Joint Education Committee (WJEC) and City & Guilds. The qualifications are all offered bilingually.

Most of the new qualifications will be introduced from today, with the remainder starting from September 2020. There will be a transition period for those already studying for existing qualifications to make sure they can complete their current studies and still join the sector.

The number of qualifications has been significantly reduced to provide more clarity to learners, learning providers and employers about the most appropriate route to follow.

You can find out more about the new qualifications at: or you can visit the Cymru Care Training Courses page.